Shadow Fox Film Lab specializes in analog and alternative processes. My mission is to both enable current analog photographers, and bring the magic of film to a new generation. My lab is small in scale, driven by the DIY spirit of the creative community. For over a decade I have honed my craft in the darkroom, and learned to build and fabricate the tools I needed. My lab is built on the idea that working in the darkroom is as much an art as what happens behind the camera. Being the only technician I can ensure every roll gets the love and attention it deserves.
I am thinking about doing some classes in the darkroom. If you’re interested, send me an email!
Place an online order
You can place a no-contact order online today. Just fill out the development request form.
I process everything manually in hand tanks, this is the same process that many of the greatest film photographers used. Automated film processors are without a doubt more time efficient, but doing it manually ensures each roll gets the attention it deserves. Doing it manually also allows for slight adjustments without having to commit to a full stop push or pull.
Black and White
All black and white films are developed in replenished XTOL. This developer has good sharpness, fine grain rendition, and lends itself well to both pushing and pulling. Every film is different, but most can safely be pushed 3 or pulled 2.
Rodinal is also available by request for slow speed films and special circumstances like stand development.
Color Negative (C-41)
I use CineStill’s C41 and utilize a temperature control bath to maintain a consistent 102°. With this system I can effectively push up to two stops, or pull one stop. I can push or pull farther than that, but it isn’t recommended.
I will cross process E-6 in C-41.
Color Slide (E-6)
I use Arista’s Rapid E-6 Kit. While this can also be pushed or pulled a few stops, I generally don’t recommend it. Most slide film can quickly develop color shifts when pushed or pulled.
I will cross process C-41 in E-6.
I have found that in the absence of something like a Noritsu, the best option is using a digital camera to ‘scan’ films. I use a Nikon D800E(36.3mp) and the legendary Micro-Nikkor 55mm f/2.8 macro lens. This combination yields sharp, accurate results in the 20-30mp range depending on film size. For converting color negatives I use Negative Lab Pro for positive conversion.
Files are delivered via Google Drive (link valid for 30 days) in full size TIFFs and web sized (2000px on the long edge) JPGs
I offer contact sheets for $5 each. I can also give you a custom quote for optical enlargements from black and white films on silver gelatin paper.
In the future I plan on adding RA-4 process for color printing from C-41 color negatives.
Digital Contact Printing
I can print digital photos in the darkroom by creating what are know as ‘digital negatives’. This process involves printing a digital file on transparency film as a negative image. This can then be used to contact print on either traditional silver gelatin paper, or various alternative processes like cyanotype or platinum palladium. The process allows us to take advantage of traditional darkroom techniques and print digital photographs more organically. Currently I am only offering silver gelatin printing, with some alternative processes coming in the future.